The Electronic Design Process (EDP) conference takes place on April 9-10th in Monterey. Register by 31st if you don’t want to get dinged for the expensive rate. I’m giving the keynote at the dinner the night of 9th April so I hope to see you there. Gary Smith, the conference chair, accidentally described this as a “dimmer” speech in an email to me. I’m hoping to be more illuminating than that! Come along and find out for yourself.
The four main topics that you’ll hear about during the two days are:
- Are threads dead? The quick answer is ‘yes’ but what we need instead will more nuanced. Multicore programming is the big challenge in electronics.
- Challenges of RTL handoff. Lots of design intent is simply not in the RTL, and it is very difficult to pass tradeoffs (how much speed would you give up for how much power saving, for example). And how do you verify that the completed design was what you really wanted?
- Will we miss the bus? On-chip buses are increasingly important items of IP that designers should not try to re-invent themselves. And are buses even the right answer to the question of how should communication take place between on-chip blocks?
- Is the analog revolution really here? Digital design has become much more straightforward due to the broad range of powerful tools. Analog, not so much. Is that changing?
The website to find out more and to register is here.